Cake picks up the stars!

The transition to electric motorcycles has experienced difficulties in winning on the mass market, but has managed to break through thanks to the growing demand for businesses and public procurement concerned with their ecological footprint. It is in this context that Cake, a Swedish company, has just concluded an important contract with Automotive Solutions, the leading supplier of electric vehicles in Greece and Cyprus, for the production of 1500 electric motorcycles.

According to Stefan Yterborn, founder and CEO of Cake, this partnership is a new step in the transition to a company at zero emission and aims to convince the greatest number of the need to move on to electrical solutions to accelerate global development. He estimates that companies in the delivery sector of the last kilometer, among others, will have to go to solutions without fossil energy in the coming months, under penalty of having to stop their activities. The partnership with Automotive Solutions in Greece is therefore a key step in this accelerated transition.

Although the cake is not yet a very common motorcycle on the roads, the Swedish company is gradually developing by offering sustainable electrical solutions to meet the needs of its commercial customers. The command of 1500 electric motorcycles in Greece testifies to the growing importance of electrical mobility and the need to speed up this transition to more environmentally friendly solutions.

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