Motorcycle technical control in France: a highly contested reform

Compulsory motorcycle technical control every two years for motorized two-wheelers over 4 years will come into force on January 1, 2023. This reform is presented as a road safety measure to strengthen safety standards for bikers. However, this new regulation is challenged by certain bikers and biker associations.

The main argument of opponents of the new motorcycle technical control is the cost of verification. Indeed, the cost of a motorcycle technical control is estimated at around € 80, not to mention any repair costs. This additional expenditure can be difficult for certain bikers who must already face high insurance and maintenance costs.

In addition, some bikers believe that the new motorcycle technical control system will not be effective in improving road safety. According to them, bikers who take care of their vehicle and regularly maintain their motorcycle do not need technical control to guarantee their safety. On the contrary, this may penalize bikers who cannot afford to make the necessary repairs to pass the technical control.

In conclusion, the future motorcycle technical control in France is a reform that arouses controversy. Although road safety is a priority, this reform is criticized for its cost, its effectiveness and its discriminatory nature. It is important to find solutions that guarantee road safety without penalizing bikers who take care of their vehicle and show responsibility on the road.

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