Super73 surprises with their first motorcycle

Super73, the famous brand of electric bikes with unique design, recently announced the early release of its new electric motorcycle, the Super73 C1X, initially scheduled for the end of 2023. According to the Orange County Business Journal, the arrival of new engineers from Rivian, a manufacturer of electric pick-ups and SUVs who also develops its own electric bike, would have accelerated the development of the C1X.

Super73 said that customers' return had motivated the creation of the C1X, with 60 % of them showing a strong interest in electric motorcycles, even if 67 % had never driven a motorcycle before. The motorcycle should weigh less than 140 kg and be equipped with 15 -inch wheels, facilitating its driving in town for small people. The engine should make it possible to reach a speed of 120 km/h, while the battery with a capacity of 5 or 6 kWh will offer a range of 160 km. The price of the C1X is still unknown at the moment.

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